lørdag 28. november 2009

"Latte" for leftovers

I had quite a lot of yarn left over from the jacket-project, and decided it would be perfect for the Latte baby sweater. The sweater is a size 3 months, and although I have no little boy that age around, I`m pretty sure he'll come along. And it always feels nice to use some leftovers, making space for more oh-so-lovely yarn.

...... and chutney!

After last year's succsess, Maisey and I had to make the mango chutney this year as well. We also ended up making an apricot and fig chutney with a little less spice for those not so though ones. We have saved empty jam-jars since the summer, and got some at Ikea as well. Quite lovely! My dad made a label (a task he took quite seriously) and I had bought some no less than fabulous fabrics at E-quilter. I don't have a pic of the fininshed project yet, but will post one as soon as we finish the designs!

C is for Christmas, cookies and cozy november nights...

So I have finally put all my academic projects behind me and can now focus on what really matters; spending time with my family. It is still a month to Christmas, but I really don't want to stress so I decided to start early this year. I decided to make two types of macaroons; oatmeal with rasins, and cocout with fresh ginger. They turned out really nice! I was a bit of a sceptic towards the ginger, but it is such a nice contrast to the coconut! Lovely with your daily "cuppa". The bowl with the oatmeal cookies is made of beautiful chrystal, and used to belong to my great-grandmother. It is one of my most cherished belongings.