So I have decided to put my yarn stash on a serious diet in 2010. This means making use of all those single skeins lying around, which can actually be turned into quite lovely projects! Like these two little vests from Nøstebarn. I used 50 g Dale babyull on both, and they knit up so quickly! They are perfect for knitting while watching TV as they hardly demand any concentration. The blue one is for the little gentleman in my tummy, and the yellow one has already been delivered to my friend's little Sigrid who was born in November. They are so snug and lovely, I will definately make more presents like these. I am quite happy that I manged to finish two projects within Week 1 of 2010. Let's keep it up:)
Du er rååååflink :))
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i looveee them!!!! :) Girl I got a closet filled with yarn stash or yarn party whatever u wanna call it, they need a serious Habibi-diet...I seriously need to do some seriuos knitting!! Wow, I'm pretty serious now! lolzz..
SvarSlettI love love LOVE the cute vests, lil gentleman's gonna look popin fresh in that blue one, so stylish, so fresh! <3 <3 <3
Du er jammen produktiv, Siri! Knallfine vester. Jeg har nettopp blitt ferdig med en selv, men glemte knapphullene. Oppskriften krever tydeligvis litt mer konsentrasjon enn jeg hadde...
SvarSlettNydelige vester! På et veldig kult underlag :) Klem fra Lise