As I am drawing closer to my due date, I have finally realized things can happen any day now. I have finished my Nøstebarn-blanket, which was the most important as I am putting it in my hospital bag. It so simple, just cast on 160 stiches and knit away. A bit boring, but the result is wonderful. I have used the NZ lambs wool from 123knit.com. It is knitted to match my PPB diaperbag, one of the few things I have indulged in for this baby. Come what may, I am now very ready!!
Nice PPB bag!! Love it! And the blanket luks nice!! Love the color u chose for the blanket, not too winterish or summerish,,just cool blue! :) *sanitizing my hands* *checking look in the mirror* I am ready tooo!!! :) hehehe.. huggie!!
SvarSlettWow - det var litt av en bleiebag! Nesten for fin for bleier... ;) Selv bruker jeg en H&M-veske som jeg aldri helt klarte å bruke som veske (for stor, for klumpete, for uryddig), men som bleiebag funker den som bare rakkern.