torsdag 22. april 2010

Come What May...

As I am drawing closer to my due date, I have finally realized things can happen any day now. I have finished my Nøstebarn-blanket, which was the most important as I am putting it in my hospital bag. It so simple, just cast on 160 stiches and knit away. A bit boring, but the result is wonderful. I have used the NZ lambs wool from It is knitted to match my PPB diaperbag, one of the few things I have indulged in for this baby. Come what may, I am now very ready!!

tirsdag 6. april 2010

Hat for Lucìa

Another little princess has arrived, this time it´s my best friend's! I had a couple of skeins left over from the jacket for my little desi-princess, and decided to knit this hat as it seem like a good fit. The pattern can be found here, and once again I must admit that Fabel is my (so-far) only exception to the 'never-multi-coloured-yarn' rule. I will post another little piece in this yarn later. Needless to say, my little latino-princess outshines the hat any day..