søndag 28. desember 2008


I´ve found that when days are busy, but you still have an urge for knitting, hats are a quick fix. I really loved this pattern and decided this was a good project for the Christmas days, and it really was (despite the fact that the pattern requires some counting). The name of the hat is Flora. I knitted this in Falk, on needles 3,5mm. 

fredag 26. desember 2008

Twinkle Twinkle

I really want to make something from my Twinkle Big City Knits. I absolutely love these chunky pieces of knitting candy. My only obstacle is that I have already bought yarn for this, so I think that`ll be my project for our trip to the mountains. I´ll include some pics of the buttons my lovely husband bought me. They are made of porcelain, and are absolutely gorgeous!

torsdag 25. desember 2008

Merry Christmas!

What a perfect time to start my blog. Christmas day. A new year approaching, leaving heaps of expectations for all my crafty projects for 2009. I made this blog for my beloved sister-in-law, who recently has taken interest in the world of knitting, and amazed me with her talent. Unfortunately she lives an ocean away, but luckily we live in the age of the computer. 

The name of this blog was invented by my hubby. As a kick-off I will post the short breads I made for Christmas, and the recipe can be found here.