So, once again I decided to turn to my newly discovered Bible of Cakes when asked to bring something to a summer party with my lovely colleagues. I made one portion of just as lovely choc-cakes, and one portion of a never before tried Strawberry Cheese cup-cakes. I guess it is not necessary to mention that it was a HUGE success. What you cannot see in this pic is that the bottoms of these heavenly bites are covered with fresh strawberries to make up for the rather heavy topping. On top I have put crunched Digestives (to add to the chesse cake feeling) and red sugar from Dean and DeLuca.
Mmmmmm i looove cheese cake, these cup cakes look sinfully delicious!!!!! Love Phinno!
SvarSlettThe best I've ever tasted. Now I'm hooked on cupcakes!
SvarSlettLage til meg?? KH
SvarSlettSå hyggelig art du har lest bloggen min om Cornwall! Jeg har nå prøvd disse og de er jo bare ovejordisk gode! Men slet litt med å få de fint ut av formen, de ble så smulete liksom. Måtte ta de i en jafs, for så vidt greit nok, men kanskje ikke så delikat... Kanskje det var dårlige gamel former som stod igjen på hytta - jeg er jo nyfrelst cup cake'er. Har du opplevd det samme?