I have just finished this blanket for the newest member of our family, my cousin's son Eivind. He was born a couple of days ago, and I have been working on this for quite a while. I thought it was a good idea to crochet a huge granny square, as it seemed to go pretty fast. That was until I started working on the 7th or 8th round... I am so happy that I managed to crochet a lace on the edge, as I have never tried that before. I will go see him later today, and hopefully he (or my cousin) will love it. I have used Falk from Dale and hook 3.5.
Nydelig teppe! Og så har du så mye fint bakverk her på bloggen, blir nesten sulten her jeg sitter jo:-D
SvarSlettDu er saaaa flinka ass!! Dette maa du laere meg ogsaa!!! :))))) kjempe fin ass!!